Thursday, June 09, 2005

ca housing madness

just found out one of the neighbors around the corner are selling. they have the "mid-sized" house w/bonus room configuration. It's $519k and about 1700 sq.ft. I'm at 1850 sq.ft. so I'd imagine that $525k would be looking real good for me.

GET OUT! Run to the hills. I think I'll list for $5 billion and see what happens.

time to run.

Friday, June 03, 2005

quick turn around to EWR (newark)

Visited a client out here today. left yesterday at 6AM and now getting home at 10PM tonight. no upgrade from ewr to dfw...but at exit row. nothing like spending 48 hours of your life for a 2 hour meeting. it's worth it..cuz the client will come on board.