Wednesday, May 18, 2005

little rock international airport

sitting at the bar for the last 2 hours. when i got here, a guy was chatting about "2nd cousins and it depends on how they look". Run Luke.

Anyway, meeting lasted about 2 hours and was very prosperous. Now, killing time. Too tired to do real work. IM'ing and BLOG'ing are easier. Wont get home to family until 10PM tonight barring issues at DFW.

Got the word that Villaregosa is mayor of LA and that his speech was a bit inflamatory. I'm moving....tomorrow.

Live from Little Rock, DM


At 10:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Our purpose."

oh, and today, when asked about the minute men on the border he responded with, "People shouldn't take the law into their own hands. Its up to the Federal Government to patrol our borders, not the citizens."

Fuggin idiot.


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